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Preparation before connecting messenger

Please make sure you have prepared below things

  1. You should have a Facebook page. If don’t have ,please creat one.
  2. You should have a verified Business Portfolio to manage above facebook page . If you don’t have ,please excute below actions
    1. Please click here to creat one Business Portfolio . Guidance is here
    2. Please verify your business on Business Portfolio .Guidance is here
    3. Please add the Facebook Page that you want to connect to the Business Portfolio .Guidance is [here](

Create Facebook Page

please refer to Meta Official Ducument , create a page

image 248.png

Create Meta Business Portfolio Account

please refer to Meta Official Ducument , create a business portfolio in meta

Verify your Business on Meta business portfolio

please refer to Meta Official Ducument , create a business portfolio in meta

Add Facebook page to your business portfolio

please refer to Meta Official Ducument , create a business portfolio in meta