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Different Role have different permissions.

Generally ,

  1. Admin have all permissions tha manage the workspace
  2. Customer Service Mgr and Customer Service Staff will have most permissions On Inbox and Contacts section. The differences between them are :
    1. CS Mgr will extrally have permissions on Broadcast and Automation while CS staff don’t have.
    2. CS Mgr can see all conversations ,while CS staff can only view the conversation that’s assign to “mine” and unassigned.
  3. Marketing Mgr and Marketing Staff will have most permissions On Broadcast and Automation section. .The differences are :
    1. Marketing Mgr will extrally have permissions on Inbox and Contacts while marketing staff don’t have
Permissions管理員(Admin)主管(Manager)客服經理(Customer Service Mgr)客服人員(Customer Service Staff)行銷经理(Marketing Mgr)行銷人員(Marketing Staff)
Inbox View✅  All✅ ”Assign to me “and “Unassigned”✅All
Inbox Reply
Inbox Assign
Contact View✅All✅”Assign to me “and “Unassigned”✅All
Contact Edit( including add tag)
Contact Export
Contact Bulk action(including add list)
Connect Channels
Invite users