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Message block

Determines what action the automation will take when the automation is triggered and fulfill the requirement of the condition.

  • Message block : the action will send specific category message to contact
  • **Add tags:**Add specific Tags to the contact
  • **Remove tags:**Delete assgined Tags from the contact .
  • Set Subscripted: the action will change the subscription status of the contact as “Subscibed“. Enable followers to receive automated direct messages from your account after opting in
  • Set Unubscripted: the action will change the subscription status of the contact as “Unubscibed“. Opt-out prevents automated direct messages to folloers

Message block Supported message type

Supported message typeWhatsAppMessengerInstagram
Text with button
Text with quick reply
Messenger list

Add Message block

There are 2 ways of add conditon block

Add condition block from trigger block

Click the Message to add the message block

image 207.png

Add condition block from other blocks

Drag the endpoint of last block and select Message

image 208.png

Edit message block

  1. select one message type in the left drawer

image 209.png

  1. edit the message content in the left drawer

image 210.png

if the condition is set properly, the border color will be green.

image 211.png

Note: if the condition lack some settings, the border color of trigger will turn red . So when we see red border color, please click the Condition block block to check the settings.

image 212.png

Delete one message

click message block and click garbage button to delete specific message

image 213.png