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Does my plan support Coupons?

For now, only Premium or higher-tier plans support this function.

PlansSupport Coupons Module?

What can I do with Coupons Module?

If you have your own coupon system and want to more effectively engage with your customers and reach potential leads, ChatBooster's Coupons feature can help you achieve that! You can leverage coupons to attract more customers to subscribe to your messaging channels, such as WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram, and potentially generate more GMV.

What code types do ChatBooster Support?

ChatBooster currently supports the following types of Coupon codes: QR Code, Promo code, Code128, Code39, EAN-13.

How to Create a Coupon?

Click Settings > Other > Coupons > Create Coupon

Coupon name

For Internal recognition of this coupon.

Coupon id

For Internal recognition of this coupon, and it should be different for each coupon. Please enter only English letters or digit number within 50 characters.


This title will be display to end customers when they open the coupon.

Valid Period

You can set the valid period of the coupon here.

Both “Start date & time” and “End date & time” fields are optional.

If “Start date & time” is in blank, this coupon will take effect immediately after it’s successfully created.

If “End date & time” is in blank, this coupon will not be expired.

Please note that when editing the coupon, end date can only be extended but not shortened.

Copy code button text

On the coupon page that customers show you, there will be a button for customers to copy the code, you can customise the button text here.

Terms & conditions

You can put the T&C of the coupon usage here.

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You can choose your Code type as listed. Please note that the code type is related to how the code is generated and displayed to the end customers and have different code rules, so please choose it based on the exact code type.

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For QR Code, Code39, Code128 and EAN-13, please set up how offline staffs can mark if the code has been redeemed.

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For Promo code, you can choose how customers can visit the website and use this code by clicking the button.

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For each type of code, you can set up whether it’s fixed code or not. If it’s fixed code, then enter the code and code amount.

If it’s not fixed code. Please upload the code file (please note: the file format should follow the example file provided). And for now, you can upload the codes once but cannot upload more when editing, this feature will be enhanced later. For now, you can upload a maximum of 10,000 codes.

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You can set up how many times one customer can claim this coupon as well.

And for the default automation wordings if the coupon has been expired/revoked or not yet valid, or all the coupon codes are distributed, you can set up here as well. It’s just the default wordings for automation with this coupon and you can always edit it in the automation you created later.

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If the coupon has been redeemed by the customer, or the coupon has been expired, the status wording can be customised as well.

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And for the Coupon Page displaying to the customers, please set up here. And you can always see the preview of the coupon page if you click the “Preview” button at the top right.

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You can also set how to tag your contacts when they claim, open or redeem the coupon at the end, which is optional.

Claimed: they have receive the coupon, not necessarily clicking to open it yet.

Opened: the coupon code page has been opened

Redeemed: the coupon code has marked as redeemed

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After all the required fields are created, click “Create” and all is done!

How to view all the coupons?

By visiting Settings > Others > Coupons, you can see the coupon list if applicable with coupon status and claiming status on it. And by clicking into each coupon, you will see all the coupon delivered codes of that coupon on it.


What should I do if I want to stop distributing a coupon?

To stop distributing a coupon:

  1. Go to the Coupons List.
  2. Find the specific coupon.
  3. Click the three dots on the right and select Change Status.
  4. Set the status to Revoked.

Please note: Once a coupon is revoked, this action cannot be undone. The coupon will no longer be visible or usable by end customers.