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Trigger block action

Determines how the flow starts and enrolls contacts who have met the trigger event.

  • Channels Trigger: Based on sending or receiving messages, comment . Each channel type have their own Trigger options
  • Contact Trigger: Based on creating or updating a contact.

Creat mutiple triggers

  1. click add new trigger in the bottom of trigger block , then you can creat mutiple triggers


Edit triggers

if the trigger is set properly, the border color will be green.


Note: if the trigger lack some settings, the border color of trigger will turn red . So when we see red border color, please click the trigger block to check the settings.


Manage all triggers

Click the When section , all triggers can be managed in the left drawer

Note: Once one trigger of all triggers is triggered, the automation will be triggerred.


Delete triggers

  1. Click the When section , click the delete icon in the left drawer


Turn on/off triggers

  1. Click the When section , turn on/off the switch in the left drawer


WhatsApp trigger

  • WhatsApp URL trigger : When user click your link , and enter the WhatsApp conversation ,and send the pre-filled message, it will triggered the automation
  • Whatsapp message trigger :When user sends a message with keywords in WhatsApp, it will triggered the automation

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Facebook Messenger trigger

  • Messenger Ref URL trigger : When user click your link with ref parameter and enter the messenger conversation and click started , it will triggered the automation
  • Messenger message trigger :When user sends a message with keywords in Messenger , it will triggered the automation
  • Messenger comment trigger :When user comment on specific post , and the comment contains specific keywords, it will triggered the automation

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Instagram trigger

  • Instagram Ref URL trigger : When user click your link with ref parameter and enter the Instagram conversation and click started , it will triggered the automation
  • Instagram message trigger :When user sends a message with keywords in Instagram , it will triggered the automation
  • Instagram comment trigger :When user comment on specific post or reels, and the comment contains specific keywords, it will triggered the automation
  • Instagram srtory trigger :When user replied specific story, it will triggered the automation

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